
Why bigger isn't always better.

Big question: Why am I trying to lose weight?

I ask myself this from time to time. I find that most of my answers lean towards society and fitting in, when really it should be about myself. Pleasing myself is a big part of why I'm doing this, but there’s also reasons that I just can’t avoid thinking about.


I’ve always been the fat best friend. You know..in a group of girls there’s always that one fat girl. Uh-huh, it’s me, and I’m pretty tired of it.

People judge me because of my weight. I feel like I have a great personality to offer if people would just stop to get to know me. So, maybe if I were to become a more thinner me, people might actually take me seriously and want to get to know me. [how sad some people can be]

I’ve never had a serious boyfriend. Either, I have neon sign plastered on my forehead that says “don’t date the fat girl”, or I haven’t found the right guy yet. [secretly wishing it was scenario two, but hey...I guess the first one would make a lot of sense]

When you have a pug and a fat butt like me, clothes don’t look the best on you.

I’m tired of knowing that people probably insinuate me with being fat. [not that I blame them]
For example:

“Do you know that Liz girl?”

“Oh yeah, the fat one.”

And trust me, I know it happens on a regular basis.

To sum up the biggest reason of them all:

I just want to feel good in the skin I’m in.
[doesn’t everybody?]

LOVE || l i z z y

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