
One pound heavier and I'm getting checked out. Wait! What?

Alright. So, the book was a no show at Borders today. I had to reserve it. Slightly re-thinking my decision on the book though. I really don't want to be on a "diet diet" per say. Just want to eat healthy. I know how diet back-fire looks, and it's not pretty.

Hit the gym today. I burned about 750ish calories. Weighed myself and further realized that I can never eat brownies again. I'm back to 171lbs, gah.

I didn't eat breakfast today because well....I kind of slept through it. I did go to subway for lunch and ate a turkey sandwich on wheat bread. So, that ranges to about 355 calories with cheese. Then for dinner I had vegetable stew with fat free saltines. Not really sure how many calories that is, but it doesn't seem too awful.

School seems like it's just around the corner. I really wish you could just wish fat away, cause then...I really would. Wouldn't a lot of people though? [mhm.]

I really should pull my head out of dream world and into reality. It's going to take time and dedication. I will get there though! No turning back now.

Oh and also, some guy was semi-stalking and eye fallowing me today in Borders. Either he thought I was some huge elephant that should be in the diet section and couldn't keep his eyes away...or maybe he was actually looking at me?! I'll go with option two...can I say that I felt pretty good about myself? :]


David Dane said...

I see that you changed your goal weight. At least I think that you did. Was it 15 pounds before? I think? Five pounds a month is very reasonable. Remember, your heart can suffer serious damage, and other organs if you lose weight too quickly. Also get yourself a good quality multivitamin. Be patient Lizzy. And don't worry about the boys. They aren't going anywhere soon. David...

David Dane said...

You can eat brownies dear. You have to add them to the total calorie intake for the day. Substition is key here. Give up something for something else. Let's say you have a brownie (300 calories). Then it's no small french fries today. Smaller portions is a factor as well.