
Brownies [equal] evil.

I felt huge today. I've actually been doing pretty good with eating healthy. But boy oh boy. Today, I cheated. I had two brownies! They were just so tempting and I haven't had sweats in about a month now. I don't feel completely horrible, but I still feel fat. Not that I'm not already fat, but I feel even bigger. Hopefully I worked it off while at the beach today. And let's just say some pretty good looking beach-volleyball guys kind of inspired me not to eat anything else. Like I could ever land a guy like that. In my dreams, yes. Maybe by the end of the year it could be possible to at least land a guy? Wow, I sound like a real sixteen year old, "land a guy." What are they, planes? Aha. Anyways. So far on my journey to well being, I’ve lost 2 pounds! Yay. After about two weeks. [not say “Yay”.] Better than nothing I guess.

People misconstrue that the pounds are just going to melt off easily. [like I had thought] But it really takes a lot of work. Sure, I could try one of those “fad diets”, but where would that get me? Lose 20 pounds then gain back 40 when I’m off the diet? Ha, I’ll stick to slowly melting away. :]

LOVE || l i z z y

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