
I lost an infant! [22 pounds.]

Okay, okay.
I am at my new house now! :]

At this moment I am 152! Uh, yeah. 152. Can I say hurray?! HURRAY.

Over the past month I have cut out all sweets & I have gotten a personal trainer.
So, over the past three months I have lost around 14lbs.

I've started my new high school. It's pretty nice & I just feel like a better me.
I fit into a size 9 & 10. So that's pretty exciting.

I am still on my quest to weight loss, though.
My goal is to go down to 140lbs by November.
12lbs away!

I went to pe a couple days ago & we did our body mass and such.
It said I need to get down to 132 for a healthy weight range.
So, that is my goal for the new year.
I want to be 132.

Wish me luck.

<3 || L i z z y.


Evil Sandmich said...

Best of luck; wish my son had your motivation!

A said...

Keep pressing on. Just imagine, by next summer, you'll be in great shape if you just keep doing the right things.