
MIA. [moving in action].

So, yes it has been a while. Things on my end of the world are pretty insane right now. My mom asks me a week ago if I want to move and then the next day buys the plane tickets. The whole family is pretty rushed with trying to get everything packed or sold.

On my part, I've been spending a lot of time with my friends. Pretty much all my spare time is spent with my friends. This also brings up a temptation to eat. Whenever I am at home I can count my calories and eat healthy because I know all the food I eat is there...but when I stay at a friends house there is their eating habits to take into consideration, plus the fact that they eat all that stuff right if front of me. I think I'm doing pretty well though. The only time I kind of went to the dark side was when we were at the mall. Yes...I went to McDonald's. OH no! I didn't do too awful. The small fry and the chicken strips is what I ordered. Plus, I didn't even realize I skipped lunch that day because we were in a shopping frenzy. [lol].

Speaking of shopping, I tried on a medium at AE and I didn't look too fat in it, as I did before. That just made my day right there. I said that to my friends and one of my friends said, "Lizzy, You can't look fat because you aren't fat." I don't really know if she was just trying to be nice, or really being serious. Either way I took that compliment. There's never enough you can get.

I feel great though! Plus I've seen a huge change in my face. I was looking at older pictures taken when we first moved here and my face looked like I got attacked by a million bees. Now it just looks like I got attacked by 10. lol. I beat my 170 bench mark!!!! Ahhh. I was so happy I actually danced when I got of the scale. As of yesterday I am 166. :]

<3 || l i z z y.


David Dane said...

Fantastic Lizzy, did I see 166-pounds? Good job girl. When you go to McDonalds on the back of the slip of paper that is put on the trays is a menu / food nutrition guide. You don't have to be caught off gaurd going to McDonalds. At Burger King the nutrional guide is posted on the wall. Now, at most fast food resaurants (name brand) they have menus / and nutrition guides on the wall or behind the counter. I like Subways, they include pictures with the guide. Good job girl.

David Dane said...

Lizzy, have you quit trying dear? Hmmm? How many sixteen year old girls could use your advice? Lots and lots dear. Get with it and write what you are experiencing.